・・ タンゴ・イン・トロント Tango in Toronto
(ステップ・動作):gypsy left/right, Star right/left, Turn single left/right, Reverse Reel of Four

●男1(女1左(turnを右として)男2左 女2右回転 男2左(turnを右として) 女1左 女2右 男2後)
●男2(女2左 女1右 男1左(turnを右として) 男1左 女1右 女2左 右半回転 女2後)
●女1(男1左 男2右 女2左(turnを右として) 女2左 男2右 男1左 右半回転 男1後)
●女2(男2左(turnを右として)女1左 男1右回転 女1左(turnを右として) 男2左 男1右 女1後)
インサイドの2人(男1、女2)は、リバース(左から)のHalf Reel of Four を2回して(6回交差(3人×2))
アウトサイドの2人(男2、女1)は、リバース(左から)のReel of Four を1回して(6回交差(3人×2))
この時 全員 次の回の開始位置の近くにいるが 続いて 全員一周右回りして 次の回の開始位置へいく 次の回が始まる
Turn Single
A turn single is turning in a small circle (about the size of a pizza) by yourself. You end up where you started. A turn single left means that you start the small circle by turning over your left shoulder. A turn single right involves turning over your right shoulder. The example image on the left is a turn single left.
A turn single up means that you start turning up the set, while a turn single down means you start turning down.
A turn single cloverleaf means turning in such a way as to trace the pattern of a four leaf clover. You start by turning away from the center of the minor set. The way you turn will depend on where you are in dance and what direction you are facing. When facing your partner, the top couple will turn up and the bottom couple will turn down. The example on the right shows a cloverleaf turn.
Often no direction will be specified. Turn which ever way feels natural (given the flow of the dance).
Sometimes you will be expected to travel at the same time as turning, this will be explained in the choreography and you may find you simply spin as you move.
This usually takes 4 counts of music.
Right/Left Gypsy
The gypsy is another pattern which can be either left or right, in fact it is almost exactly the same motion as the right/left hand turn — except you aren’t allowed to touch each other, instead you stare soulfully into each other’s eyes as you rotate around. You step in a little, turn either your right or left shoulder to your partner, look over your shoulder at them in as sexy a way as possible and turn around in a circle.
If the caller just says “gypsy” they probably mean a right gypsy.
The gypsy can also be done in fractional units. A half gypsy is approximately the same as a cross.
In the example above I have the 1st couple doing a right gypsy and the 2nd couple doing a left gypsy. This combination actually occurs in dances and is called a “partner mirror gypsy with the women in the middle at start”.
The term “gypsy” is offensive to some and is starting to fall out of use in Contra Dance where the term “Right/Left shoulder round” is used instead. I haven’t heard this in English yet, but be prepared for it.
A full gypsy usually takes 8 counts of music.
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