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・・ローレルハースト Laurelhurst

01) M1+2 set forward on the right diagonal and turn single back
02) M1+2 pass right shoulder to start half a hey for three with M3 on the side
03) W2+3 set forward on the right diagonal and turn single back
04) W2+3 pass right shoulder to start half a hey for three with W1 on the side
05) 1s(at bottom) lead up
06) 1s set
07) 1s lead above top
08) 1s cast down as 2s cast down

09) Circle six left half (2 waltz steps, 2 single steps)
10) Bottom couple cross up by right hand, as middle couple cast down and top cross by right hand

『・ボトムカプルは パートナーと右手で交差しながら(男性は女性を送りだすような感じで)相手側の位置へ移動しながらトップの方へ アップしていく
・ミドルカプルは キャストオフ(この場合は 噴水回り)
・トップカプルは 右手で 交差する (相手側の位置へ)』

11) Top two couples neighbor left turn (once around) as bottom couple cross left

『・トップの2つのカプルは お隣のカプルと レフトターン(1回転)
(トップの2つのカプルとは 10)の時点で ボトムカプルとトップカプルのこと)
・ボトムカプル 左交差して 相手の位置へ移動』

12)Top couple cross by right hand, go below as middle couple waits and side step up
『・トップカプルは 右手で交差し 下へ向かって移動
・ミドルカプルは それにあわせて  サイド ステップ アップ(トップの位置へ移動)する』

13) Middle couple cross by right hand, go below as bottom couple wait side step up

01)M1+2 set forward on the right diagonal and turn single back



SetAt it’s simplest a set is a step to the right and a close followed by a step to the left and a close. That is step out with the right foot, close with the left, then step with the left foot and close with the right. You end where you started.

Often you will be facing someone and it can be confusing to see them move to your left; do not be taken in by this. Move to your right.

There is room for individual expression here, with many variants.

Sometimes you will set toward someone, in this case there will be a small forward component to each step, and you do not end where you started but somewhat forward of it.

Sometimes you will take the hand of your neighbor beside you as you both set across to your partners.

On rare occasions you will be asked to “Set right” or “Set left” in which case you will only do one step close and you will not end where you started.

This usually takes 4 counts of music.

When this move was translated to French (with the evolution of contredanse) it became a “balance” (I think).

Turn Single

Turn Single

Turn Single LeftTurn Single CloverleafA turn single is turning in a small circle (about the size of a pizza) by yourself. You end up where you started. A turn single left means that you start the small circle by turning over your left shoulder. A turn single right involves turning over your right shoulder. The example image on the left is a turn single left.

A turn single up means that you start turning up the set, while a turn single down means you start turning down.

A turn single cloverleaf means turning in such a way as to trace the pattern of a four leaf clover. You start by turning away from the center of the minor set. The way you turn will depend on where you are in dance and what direction you are facing. When facing your partner, the top couple will turn up and the bottom couple will turn down. The example on the right shows a cloverleaf turn.

Often no direction will be specified. Turn which ever way feels natural (given the flow of the dance).

Sometimes you will be expected to travel at the same time as turning, this will be explained in the choreography and you may find you simply spin as you move.

This usually takes 4 counts of music.



LeadWhen a couple leads (pronounced leeds not leds) they join hands and dance in the direction indicated. In the US English Dancers will usually join handy-hands (that is each will offer the hand closest to the other), but I was taught to join right hand in right hand.

In the example above the 1s lead down the set, turn and lead back up. If you join handy hands then when you turn you have to drop hands and rejoin (because the handy hand changes after the turn) but if you join right in right and turn toward one another you can retain the same hand clasp, which I think is smoother.

Styling: When doing a lead you are in a good position to gaze at your partner.

I believe that “lead”, when translated into French, became “promenade”.

The number of counts (steps) taken by a lead depends on how far the dancers travel during the lead.

リール (ダンス)


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